Saturday, December 4, 2010

Utah Canyon

Gilligan and I hit the slopes yesterday! God bless the best snow on Earth!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Gilligan goes to Mexico... In August.

Post about trip a couple of months after occurring=Katie procrastinates everything.

Gilligan joined mi familia y yo on a long road trip to Puerto Penasco, Mexico. It was a beautiful drive and we stopped at my sister-in-law's family in Phoenix, AZ on our way there. Had a fun week bummin' around on the beach for a week.

Monday, November 15, 2010

I went to San Diego with family on Sunday.
Perfect weather, perfect company, perfect day.


♥, Meg

Friday, May 28, 2010

viva las vegas.

what a fun weekend in las vegas with "my boys!"
the family i work for invited me to vegas
to hang out with them.
it was so fun going to the pool, shopping,
cirque du soleil, and of course people watching!
thanks for a fun trip. :]

Sunday, May 2, 2010

florida video.


gilligan goes tropical.
what a fun ten days in florida!
here's the gilligan picture and i'll post
the trip video soon!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

gilligan goes east.

oh what a lovely time we had on the east coast.
we visited new york, connecticut, boston, and rhode island.
i think kate and i will both agree we aren't
made for the big city, but it is fun to visit.
my favorite was boston. i love the
old buildings and feelings there. i want
to go to there and spend a long weekend,
not just a day!


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Let's start this thing!

Gilligan in Cuenca, Ecuador--where it all began.

Tell me 'bout Gill's adventures on the East Coast!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

our story.

once upon a time.. in a land far far away called ecuador, four girls set out on a journey to serve the children there. along the journey they became the very best of friends that friends could have. the only problem was they all lived so far from each other; colorado, idaho, and utah. when the time came for departure they wanted to keep the friendships that had blossomed. they decided that the only way to do this was to introduce gilligan (the hat) into their lives. gilligan is going to be the story that they will tell of the time they had apart. gilligan will travel to the seven wonders, he will eat at the small corner cafes, and feel the ocean breeze. this is the story of gilligan and his girls, we hope you enjoy.